Workplace safety is fundamental to Mainteck Services operations. An abiding commitment to working safely begins with senior management and extends to all levels of the company.
All our employees are expected to take responsibility for ensuring a safe working environment, for their own safety and that of their colleagues, sub-contractors and customers. We are proud of our record for safety excellence, which ranks among the best in the country.
Mainteck Services Slab Caster Workshop achieved an 11 year lost time injury free period in 2013 and is presently at 3 years Lost Time Injury Free (April 2017) and 1 year Medical Treatment Injury Free due to constant training, audits and toolbox meetings, a record unsurpassed by others in the same Industry.
Mainteck Services Machine Shop also achieved Lost Time Injury Free periods of 6 years (2010), 4 years (2014) and 2 years (2017) also due to in-house training, audits and generally everyone looking out for each other.